What is e-SMM (e-Self-Employment Receipt)?


As the business world rapidly digitizes, various sectors have begun to adopt new technologies and digital tools. As part of this digital transformation, tax and accounting processes have also been subjected to digitization. E-SMM (Electronic Freelancer Invoice) is an important step in Turkey's tax and accounting domain, designed to enable freelance professionals to digitize their operations. In this article, we will delve into the significance and functionality of Hiosis in relation to E-SMM (Electronic Freelancer Invoice).

What is E-SMM?

E-SMM stands for Electronic Freelancer Invoice, a system that allows freelance professionals to document their services in a digital format. Replacing traditional paper-based receipts, it minimizes paper-based transactions and accelerates business processes. Made mandatory for freelance professionals in Turkey, E-SMM is electronically issued and stored in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Finance.

Hiosis and E-SMM:

Hiosis is a leading software company in Turkey specializing in tax and accounting. By providing innovative solutions, Hiosis helps its clients to conduct their business more efficiently. One of the many services offered by Hiosis is E-SMM integration. Hiosis facilitates freelance professionals in creating and managing E-SMM, making it easy for them to digitize their transactions through its platforms.

Benefits of Hiosis's E-SMM Integration:

  1. Time Savings: Compared to the traditional receipt issuance process, using E-SMM significantly reduces processing times. With Hiosis's integrated solutions, receipts can be automatically generated, speeding up transaction processes.

  2. Cost Savings: Paper-based transactions incur additional costs such as printer, paper, and storage expenses. However, using E-SMM leads to savings in paper and printing costs. Additionally, storage space requirements are reduced.

  3. Data Security: Through Hiosis's E-SMM integration, user data is safeguarded. Documents stored electronically are inaccessible to unauthorized individuals, ensuring data security.

  4. Easy Access and Tracking: Digitally stored documents can be easily accessed when needed. With Hiosis's user-friendly interface, past receipts and transactions can be quickly accessed and tracked.


Hiosis's E-SMM integration is a solution that offers significant advantages to freelance professionals. Time savings, cost-effectiveness, data security, and easy access are some of the benefits that enable businesses to operate more efficiently. Hiosis's reliable and user-friendly platforms provide freelance professionals with the opportunity to manage tax and accounting processes seamlessly. As E-SMM becomes increasingly widespread, Hiosis's integration helps businesses adapt to the digital transformation process effectively.


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