The Digital Service Tax (DST) is a type of tax applied to the prices of visual and audio content, as well as digital services and content sold over the internet. This tax is a significant obligation for individuals and companies providing digital services and is imposed during the sale of any digital content or services.
In Turkey, the DST was introduced under Law No. 7194 and has been in effect since March 1, 2020. The primary goal of this tax is to levy on revenues generated from various digital activities, including online sales, content production, and digital advertising. Therefore, businesses engaged in online sales, digital content creators, and those earning from digital advertisements are required to pay this tax.
The purpose of the DST is to create a fair tax system within the digital economy and ensure that revenues from digital activities are taxed equitably. This tax, which is enforced in many countries worldwide, is a mandatory requirement for anyone providing digital services in Turkey.
For those looking to understand more about the Digital Service Tax and how it might impact their business, it is advisable to review official tax regulations and seek professional consultancy services.